Writer & Creator
Branded Content Pitch: Unleashed
To promote Petco's "Think Adoption First" initiative, I developed a custom video series starring a cast of adoptable canines and infused with the appeal and spirit of Lifetime's Unreal coming to life with a cast of adoptable canines. Integration moments for Petco included:
Treats Ceremony: Episodes end with our Bachelor distributing Petco provided treats to his top tail-wagers
Dates: Our producer and director try to shake things up while our Bachelor and a potential partner go on dates — such as playing fetch with toys provided by Petco, shopping for a new crate at a Petco and sharing a sip of water from the same bowl
Doggie Drama: Our producer may have to discreetly send one or two contestants home early with fleas and/or lack of house-training skills—messaging will tout Petco’s services that could have helped our contestants
Meet the Parents: Our finalist will take the bachelor and the entire crew home to meet their respective human parents, and we'll showcase items from Petco — dog beds, toys, leashes — to reinforce “Welcome to the family” messaging
Final Ceremony: Only one participant will receive the elusive collar of commitment, provided by Petco